10 mar 2020

Guidelines and recommendations for GUPES (AWFiS) students and staff in connection with the spread of coronavirus

In connection with information about the spread of coronavirus, the GUPES authorities of decided to suspend the planned trips of employees and students of GUPES to Asian countries and Italy, as well as to excuse the absence from work and  classes of persons returning from these directions. Everyone is also recommended to follow the messages of the Chief Sanitary Inspector (GIS) on an ongoing basis (gis.gov.pl) and comply with GIS hygiene and sanitary recommendations.

By decision of the university authorities, persons coming or returning from Asian countries: especially, China and Vietnam, as well as from Germany and Italy (especially from the regions of Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Lazio) and from others regions, should limit social activity within 14 days following their return and remain at home, closely monitoring their health.

The employee is obliged to inform the head of the unit by e-mail or telephone of the above fact and then confirm:
by email to the following address: kadry@awf.gda.pl
and by phone tel (58) 55 47 165

Students are required to provide the above fact to the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture only by email dziekan@awf.gda.pl

International Students are required to forward the above-mentioned fact to Sebastian Osmólski only by email sebastian.osmolski@awf.gda.pl

Erasmus Students are required to forward the above-mentioned fact to Urszula Czepukojć only by email  urszula.czepukojc@awf.gda.pl

In the event of respiratory complaints, they should contact the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Gdańsk (psse.gda.pl) or the nearest hospital ward for infectious diseases:

Pomorskie Centrum Chorób Zakażnych i Gruźlicy Sp. z o. o
(Pomeranian Centre for Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis)

 ul. Smoluchowskiego 18, 80-214 Gdańsk

Necessary information on how to deal with suspected coronavirus infection can also be obtained at phone number 800 190 590, a 24-hour hotline opened by the Ministry of Health.

The recommended absence of GUPES employees at work will be considered as excused absence  (employees are asked to inform the head of their unit about the fact).

The absence of students in classes will also be excused. Teachers are required to consider the situation of individual students properly when organising classes and tests.

At the same time, GUPES authorities decided to suspend all planned trips of GUPES employees and students to the regions in question.

Information on the rules of conduct of employees and students of GUPES is provided by:

The decision of GUPES authorities is valid from March 2, 2020 until further notice.

Useful Links:

WSEZ in Gdansk –  http://www.wsse.gda.pl/aktualnosci-i-komunikaty/komunikaty/1044-informacja-glownego-inspektora-sanitarnego-dla-osob-powracajacych-z-polnocnych-wloch

GIS –  https://gis.gov.pl/aktualnosci/informacja-glownego-inspektora-sanitarnego-dla-osob-powracajacych-z-polnocnych-wloch/

Ministry of Foreign Affairs –  https://www.gov.pl/web/dyplomacja/informacja-msz-w-zwiazku-z-rozprzestrzenianiem-sie-koronawirusa